
From a group of postcards circa 1938. Students created individual postcards for their teacher Oubayashi who had gone off to fight in the 2nd Sino-Japanese war. The teacher had been wounded and was in hospital. The cards were mailed in a package to the teacher and this is the only one from the group I managed to purchase. According to the seller, most of the texts were along the lines of 'get better so you can die a true warriors death'.

Thanks to Carol & her co-worker for help with the translation:

Red shirt:  Hey Mr. Taro pheasant. Good timing. This is the medication that I will give teacher Oubayashi.
Blue shirt:  Okay, I will give him my letter. Let's go together then.
Yellow shirt:  I will give my letter, too.

Pencil, tempera. Circa 1938, Japan.

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